Caring for Your Financial Well-Being.

Our Service Offering

While selecting investments is important, it is one piece of your financial well-being.  Equally important is financial planning, which comprises analyzing your financial situation, understanding your financial goals and then constructing the investment portfolio that best matches your goals. Octavia guides clients through the financial planning process and then constructs the appropriate investment portfolio. Octavia’s wealth management service encompasses:

Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Octavia built a proprietary financial planning system to analyze your financial situation. With this tool, Octavia determines how best to achieve your financial objectives.  Octavia regularly reviews your personal situation and as needed updates your financial plan.

Portfolio Construction

Portfolio Construction

Knowing your financial situation from your Financial Plan, Octavia constructs an investment portfolio.  Octavia currently offers four investment strategies to satisfy your various investment needs. See Strategies for more.

Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management

After constructing your investment portfolio, Octavia manages it, making periodic changes when appropriate and taking into account tax implications.  Octavia charges an asset management fee for the on-going management of your investment portfolio.  Octavia does not charge for the Financial Planning or Investment Portfolio Construction elements of your wealth management service.

Financial Advice

Financial Advice

Octavia appreciates that you have financial decisions to make beyond your investment portfolio.  For example, can you afford to buy a new home, should you invest in a start-up or should you refinance your mortgage?  Or, how best can you save for your child’s education?  Octavia helps you think through these choices.